• Blue hedgehog

    Blue hedgehog

    Sonic would get that ring to Mordor in about 10 minutes.

  • Good luck with that

    Good luck with that

    It's the thought that counts, but a little more tangible support would be appreciated.

  • Cake


    Did someone say cupcakes? Yes please (proceeds to become deceived).

  • Squeaky toy pig

    Squeaky toy pig

    Before the sun sets, my dog will deconstruct that toy pig and chew the squeaker.

  • Correct answer

    Correct answer

    There goes my weekend again. Time well spent, extended editions of course.

  • Yeet!


    How heavy is a dwarf in full armor, can one simply yeet them?

  • No scroll plz

    No scroll plz

    Meme roulette, will it be meme or will it be that awkward photo of that time I …

  • Track ball grime

    Track ball grime

    Hard boiling an egg was the difficult process when you needed to replace the track ball

  • Agent Smith

    Agent Smith

    Hugo Weaving was a busy boy being in two trilogies at the same time

  • Break times are important

    Break times are important

    To be fair, everyone needs a little down time.